A conversation with Broadcast

To celebrate the launch of my book ‘Healed and Whole’ this week I was able to speak to Tom O’Toole from the Broadcast Network – a brilliant website full of resources around the topics of men and women in leadership, as well as a wealth of support for church planters and Christian leaders.

We discuss why I wrote Healed and Whole and the importance of choosing to lay down our lives for one another even in the midst of disagreement.

Abigail Flavell serves in strategic leadership for a network of evangelical churches based in the U.K. Part of her current role involves working to reconcile men and women in leadership. Abi is mum to three brillant kids and is also a church planter, speaker, writer and local church leader alongside her husband John.

Abigail Flavell serves in strategic leadership for a network of evangelical churches based in the U.K. Part of her current role involves working to reconcile men and women in leadership. Abi is mum to three brillant kids and is also a church planter, speaker, writer and local church leader alongside her husband John.
