Live Broadcast – Our first year of Church Planting
John and I enjoyed sharing some thoughts and stories from our first year of church planting in a live online interview last week for Newfrontiers’ church planting resource site: The Broadcast Network. You can watch the interview above.
How River City Church came to be – Part 3
As a church Jubilee felt they had heard God say EAST EAST EAST (Part 1), meaning we should start a church in the East of Hull. Then John and I had felt God speak to us as a couple and say EAST EAST EAST (PART 2) to us, confirm we were to lead the church […]
How River City Church Came To Be – Part 1
I’ve been meaning, for a while, to try to record our journey of planting River City Church. There are a number of reasons for this 1) so that we don’t forget what an incredible journey we’re on; 2) to remind ourselves it is Jesus’ idea and not our own; 3) to list some of the
Curious why we’re starting a new church? Here’s Why.
Below is a link of John and I speaking together back in January on how and why God had spoken to us about starting River City Church. Give it a listen if you; 1) are curious about how God speaks to people, 2) want to understand what Christians think about Jesus and church 3) want […]
10 Incredible Things Since Taking a Leap of Faith
God spoke to us about moving to start a new church in August last year. Since then it has been a painful but exciting journey of transition. We are now living in East Hull and will soon transfer our children to new schools. In only a few months we will begin to meet together on […]
Let’s Begin Digging A Well
In Genesis 26 Isaac is on the search for water. Not just any old water, but ‘living water’. By this the Bible means not just a well that has water at the bottom of it, but a well filled with a source of water that ‘bubbles up, that flows’, where the well does not need [&helli