Let’s Begin Digging A Well

BubblingWaterIn Genesis 26 Isaac is on the search for water. Not just any old water, but ‘living water’. By this the Bible means not just a well that has water at the bottom of it, but a well filled with a source of water that ‘bubbles up, that flows’, where the well does not need to be laboured over but as they begin to dig the water flows out freely. His servants move from place to place, digging wells here, there and everywhere until they find a source of water that will not run dry. And when they find it, they pitch their tent near it. This is a good place to be, at the source of living water. It’s a wonderful picture of the promise God gives us in Christ, that when we seek and find him it is as if we come to live in the place where we have constant access to living water, flowing from within us by God’s Holy Spirit (John 7:38).

In many ways we feel as if we will be re-opening those wells across the East of the City and prospering because of the hard and faithful work of so many others.

As we have moved into our new house over this last few months, God has been speaking to us from this passage. Although East Hull feels very new and different to us, we know that over the years many people have dug wells in this part of the city. We know that churches have been planted, prayer meetings held, healings seen, salvation experienced, water has been found. But it has taken a lot of hard work and toil and often those sources of water have dried up after a few weeks or months or years. In many ways we feel as if we will be re-opening those wells across the East of the City and prospering because of the hard and faithful work of so many others. But, what we are searching for, what we are believing for for the people of East Hull, is that God will provide us with a source of ‘living water’ that we will not have to toil and strive to draw from, but that will flow freely out into the lives of those who live around it.

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And so, even though it’s been a challenge, living in a house that in may ways feels like a tent rather than a home, we are excited about the life that God is going to bring into East Hull as we settle here. We are meeting weekly as a team in our home and enjoying experiencing God meet with us and speak to us as a team. Team members are now moving into East Hull at an increasing pace and we are seeing God provide quite miraculously for them to do that, and we are starting to plan for the beginning of the church in the summer. It’s all becoming very real now.

So, please do continue to pray for us, that we would be fed and supplied by the ‘living water’ that Christ promises us. That we would quickly settle and establish new friendships in the area. That the children would enjoy their new school after half term, that we would secure the venue we are trying to get for Sunday mornings, and that wherever we go we might bring life and life in all it’s fullness.

Love Jesus, preparing to plant a church in the East of the wonderful city of Hull. Married to the incredible @AbiFlavell Dad to Noah and Judah.

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Abigail Flavell serves in strategic leadership for a network of evangelical churches based in the U.K. Part of her current role involves working to reconcile men and women in leadership. Abi is mum to three brillant kids and is also a church planter, speaker, writer and local church leader alongside her husband John.
