Miraculous House Move
If there’s one message God’s been teaching the River City Church so far, it’s that he cannot be boxed in or limited. The part we play is to simply show up, step out and see what God will do. Ever since Jubilee announced its church plant would be in the East of Hull, we (my […]
Studying the Mathematics
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Strip clubs, knives and addiction
“I do not need safety as much as I need Jesus.” This is fast becoming my ‘mantra’. I find myself repeating this lyric from a Rend Collective song rather more often than I would like. For a long time I have lived a rather comfortable middle class existence. I have taken my saf
10 Incredible Things Since Taking a Leap of Faith
God spoke to us about moving to start a new church in August last year. Since then it has been a painful but exciting journey of transition. We are now living in East Hull and will soon transfer our children to new schools. In only a few months we will begin to meet together on […]